Endowed Positions

Endowed positions at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies (Mershon Center) are filled with distinguished faculty members who spearhead important research and educate the next generation on issues related to national security in a global context.

The Mershon Center supports three endowed chairs:

  • Gen. Raymond E. Mason Jr. Chair in Military History, held by Peter Mansoor
  • Wayne Woodrow Hayes Chair in National Security Studies, held by Christopher Nichols
  • Chair in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution

Please click on the links to the right to learn more about each endowed chair position.

The center also supports two endowed professorships:

  • Ralph D. Mershon Professor of International Security, held by Alexander Wendt
  • Designated Professor of Human Security, held by Laura Dugan

The Mershon Center is happy to accept gifts to support any of its endowed chairs. These gifts represent a living legacy for donors. All funds become part of the Mershon Center's overall endowment, which allows us to preserve these gifts in perpetuity by investing the principal and using only the investment income to support our endowed chairs.

Because it ensures an endless source of support for the Mershon Center, the growth of the endowment for these three chairs is an ongoing fund-raising priority. These funds enhance our ability to recruit and retain world-class faculty members, and nurture the career development of faculty members who are appointed to these prestigious positions.