First Friday Discussion Series
Housed at the OSU Moritz College of Law’s Program on Dispute Resolution, the Divided Community Project (DCP) seeks to support communities facing division and tension which tears at their local social fabric. In this First Friday conversation DCP Deputy Director Bill Froehlich will provide an overview of DCP’s work and illustrate how DCP supports a handful of communities across the country. An interactive event, participants will be asked to react to complex problems and suggest process options for developing more resilient communities and addressing community division and its underlying causes.
About William Froehlich
William “Bill” Froehlich ’11 is the current Langdon Fellow in Dispute Resolution at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law. He graduated cum laude from Moritz in 2011 and served on the Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law while in law school. In addition, he worked on public policy consensus building projects as a research fellow with the Election Law @ Moritz program, and served as research assistant in the areas of nonprofit law and professional responsibility. He has an undergraduate degree in math and political science from Denison University.
Prior to commencing the fellowship, Froehlich worked in labor relations and practiced labor law as an associate attorney with Muskovitz & Lemmerbrock, LLC. Before beginning law school, he worked as a legislative aide in the Ohio Senate.
This event is part of the Mershon Center's First Friday series focusing on current projects of Mershon Center faculty. The event will be a facilitated conversation intended to foster an open interdisciplinary discussion on international, national, and human security. Lunch will be provided.