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30 Books Highlight Faculty Publications for 2010-12

March 18, 2013

30 Books Highlight Faculty Publications for 2010-12

Global Crisis

Faculty members at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies have always been among the most productive at The Ohio State University. In 2010-12, they published 30 books, edited 10 issues of academic journals, and authored 365 articles, chapters, essays, and reports.

Among the books are Global Crisis: War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century (Yale, forthcoming) by Geoffrey Parker. In this book, Parker traces a series of revolutions, droughts, famines, invasions, wars, regicides, and government collapses to changing weather patterns from 1618 to the late 1680s. The crisis, which killed perhaps one-third of the world’s human population, has implications for today: Are we adequately prepared -- or even preparing -- for the catastrophes that climate change brings?

Also published was Terrorism Since 9/11: The American Cases by Ralph D. Mershon Senior Research Scientist John Mueller and available on the Mershon Center website. This book includes detailed discussions, each organized in a similar manner, of known cases of Islamist extremist terrorism since 9/11 in which the United States has been, or apparently been, targeted. It springs from a set of papers generated in an honors seminar Mueller conducted in autumn 2010 at Ohio State.

Other titles published with Mershon support include:

  • Cultivating the Masses: Soviet Social Interventionism in its International Context, 1914–1939 (Cornell, 2011), by David Hoffmann
  • Reconstructing the Cold War: The Early Years, 1945–1958 (Oxford, 2012), by Ted Hopf
  • West Africa and the U.S. War on Terror (Routledge, 2012), by Kelechi Kalu and George Kieh
  • Unveiling Modernity in Twentieth-Century West African Islamic Reforms (Brill, 2012), by Ousman Kobo
  • Terrorism, Security, and Money: Balancing the Risks, Benefits, and Costs of Homeland Security (Oxford, 2011), by John Mueller and Mark Stewart
  • Connecting Democracy: Online Consultation and the Future of Democratic Discourse (MIT, 2011), by Peter Shane and Stephen Coleman.

For a complete list of faculty publications in 2010-12, see the Mershon Center Biennial Report (pdf).