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Area Companies Learn to Navigate Political Risk

November 22, 2016

Area Companies Learn to Navigate Political Risk

Sarah Brooks speaks at Risk Institute

Whether an organization is a multinational player or just starting to explore expansion into the global market, political risk cannot be ignored or underestimated. Political risk is taking on new forms, both real and perceived, and may be at its highest level since the Cold War.

In order to succeed, companies must elevate their awareness of inherent challenges of everything from political violence to currency inconvertibility.

On November 15, The Risk Institute at The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business welcomed dozens of area and regional professionals to Navigating Political Risk in Uncertain Times (part of this year’s Risk Series) — an executive education session that explored effective ways to manage political risk and gain insight on how to navigate the landscape and find potential for competitive advantage.

Speakers at the symposium included Mershon affiliates Sarah Brooks, associate professor of political science, speaking on "Political Risk: Challenges and Opportunities in Overseas Development," and Richard Herrmann, interim director and chair of policital science, on "Forecasting Political Risk."

See more photos from this event

Sarah Brooks speaks at Risk Institute

The session centered around three concepts:

  • Learning to identify, measure, and manage political risk
  • Examining the macro-level political risks that could affect business interests
  • Exploring the relationship between the state and market in social and economic relations

The session’s thought provoking ideas and dialogues advanced The Risk Institute’s unique role in uniting industry thought leaders, academics and highly respected practitioners in an ongoing dialog to advance the understanding and evolution of risk management.

The Risk Institute’s conversation about risk management is open and collaborative and relevant across all industries.

Story by Risk Institute Communications
Photos by Cathy Becker, Mershon Center