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Mershon Center Events Live on Through Recorded Archives

July 8, 2014

Mershon Center Events Live on Through Recorded Archives


Each year, the Mershon Center for International Security Studies holds about 50 speaker events and conferences that reach more than 3,000 attendees from across Ohio State and the Central Ohio community. 

Besides attending an event in person, you may also be able to view it on streaming video and podcast, provided the speaker has given permission to record the event.  Over the past 10 years, the Mershon Center has built a library of almost 500 event recordings, which are available in two areas:

  • Events from Fall 2008 forward are now available under Events on the Mershon Center website at http://mershoncenter.osu.edu.  You can browse by month using the dropdown menu to the left on the Events page, or search for a speaker name or keyword in the website search function.
  • All past events are available in the Mershon Center community of the Knowledge Bank, an online archive sponsored by the Ohio State Libraries and Office of the Chief Communications Officer.  You can browse the Events section of the community or search by name or keyword at https://kb.osu.edu/dspace/handle/1811/29318.  You can also access the Knowledge Bank by clicking on the link in the footer that appears at the bottom of every page on the Mershon Center website.

The Mershon Center event recordings drastically increase the number of people in the center’s audience every year.  In 2012-13, for example, almost 6,000 people in 31 countries watched almost 14,000 streaming videos and downloaded almost 80,000 podcasts of Mershon events.  

In 2013-14, the Mershon Center recorded 27 events which you can access either from the Mershon Center website or in the Knowledge Bank.  These events include:

Jack Donnelly – “Anarchy is not an Ordering Principle, Anarchy Has No Effects”
Orlando Patterson – "Institutions, Cultures and Development: The Caribbean Experience"
Norman MacLeod – "The Causes of Extinction: Setting the Modern Biodiversity Crisis in Context"
The Confirming U.S. Presidential Election of 2012 – View all conference panel discussions
Pauline Jones-Luong – "Crude Ambitions: The Internationalization of Emerging National Oil Companies" 
Comparative National Elections Project Symposium – “Democracy, Elections, and the Changing Dynamics of Partisan Competition on Five Continents”
Douglas MacLean – "Some Reflections on the Value of Pain and Suffering"
China Town Hall – National webcast featuring Madeline Albright
Joshua Rovner – "Fixing the Facts: National Security and the Politics of Intelligence"
Aaron Friedberg – "A Contest for Supremacy: China, America and the Struggle for Mastery in Asia"
Adam Cathcart – “China-North Korea Relations in the Kim Jong-Un Era”
John Mueller – “Chasing Ghosts – The FBI and Counter-Terrorism”
Richard Immerman – “The CIA: Its Origins, Its Transformation, and Its Militarization”
Student Peace Conference and Peace Awards – Peace Activism and Human Rights Panel Discussion
Lien-Hang Nguyen – “Spies, Allies, and Murder?: The Ominous Origins of the Tet Offensive”
Kenneth Scheve – “Who Cooperates?: Strategy Types and Reciprocal Behavior in Mass Populations"
Gregory Maney – “Explaining Political Violence Against Citizens in Northern Ireland: A Contention-Oriented Approach"
Eric Jennings – “Free French Africa in World War II”
Geoffrey Parker Faculty Dinner Panel – “Global Crisis: War, Climate Change, and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century” 
The Future of the All-Volunteer Force – Panel discussion featuring Maj. Gen. Dennis Laich 
Business for Peace Collaborative: Panel Discussion – Panel discussion moderated by WOSU’s Ann Fisher
Cristina Coc – "The Q’eqchi and Mopan Maya Struggle for Land Security, Life, Justice and Equality in Southern Belize"
T.V. Paul – “The Warrior State: Pakistan in the Contemporary World”
Lance Bennett – “The Logic of Connective Action: Public Engagement in the Digital Age"
Stephan Haggard – "Inequality, Distributive Conflict and Regime Change"
Monica Araya – "Environment, Development and Elections in Latin America: Can Citizens make a Difference?"
Ravi Komarraju – “India’s Recent Election & Its Implications on Future Policymaking”