Rudesill on The Ukraine War and the Law: US Presidential Powers in Case of Nuclear Attack

The Ohio State Law Journal has published the papers from the Mershon-sponsored symposium, The Ukraine War and the Law, accessible online. Coordinated by Dakota Rudesill, the symposium features a keynote from former Dean of Yale Law School Harold Hongju Koh, counsel for the Republic of Ukraine at the International Court of Justice, and contributions from Ohio State’s John Quigley and a lineup of experts on environmental, economic, humanitarian and other dimensions of the law of war.
Rudesill’s own article, "Striking Russia if Russia Nukes Ukraine: Presidential War Power Beyond its Outer Edge," brings attention to the legal implications of a potential U.S. military response to a Russian nuclear attack on Ukraine. Urging consideration of constitutional as well as moral and policy questions, Rudesill calls for open public discussion.