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Video From Fall Inequality Conference Now Available

October 25, 2016

Video From Fall Inequality Conference Now Available

Wilkinson keynote

On September 22-23, the Center for Ethics and Human Values presented "When Do Inequalities Matter?", the fall conference in its yearlong campus conversation on inequality sponsored in part by the Mershon Center.

Recordings from the conference are now available at https://cehv.osu.edu/inequality-resources

The conference focused on four intersecting policy issues at the heard of debates about inequality today:

  • Mass Incarceration
  • Neighborhoods and Social Inequality
  • Health Disparities
  • Economic Inequality and Democracy

These issues raise important questions about poverty and opportunity, individual well-being and institutional justice, and the rights and responsibilities of democratic citizenship. They also cause us to reflect on the social and political effects of class, race, gender, and other factors.

Richard Wilkinson gave the keynote lecture on themes related to his bestselling book, The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger (Bloomsbury, 2011), co-authored with Kate Pickett.

This is the fourth year for the Conversations on Morality, Politics, and Society, or COMPAS, program, organized by CEHV. Previous years have explored the topics of sustainability, privacy, and immigration.

Photo: Richard Wilkinson, professor emeritus of social epidemiology at University of Nottingham, gave the keynote address at the fall conference on inequality, held September 22-23 at Thompson Library.