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Mershon Auditorium was nearly filled to capacity with a crowd that gave Cardinal Peter Turkson a standing ovation after his discussion about world ecology on November 2.

Turkson visited…

The Responsibility, Morality, and the Costs of War symposium, organized by Kevin McClatchy and Janet Parrott in the Department of Theatre with support from the Mershon Center, blends…

Following 9/11, Americans' fears of terrorists -- especially domestically based Islamic extremists -- reached near-hysteria levels.  Government and media reports stoked fears that bad actors…

From the 2009 unrest in Iran, to the 2010 Arab Spring in Tunisia, to the 2011 revolution in Egypt, social media has played a critical role in Islamic politics.

In studying these examples…

Perhaps the greatest cultural, economic, and technological challenge facing modern democracies and global development groups is how to respond to the depletion of natural resources and the effects…

Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the first cardinal from Ghana, will visit Ohio State’s Columbus campus for a community discussion on global…

What do you get when you combine the efforts of the Rockefeller Foundation, U.S. Agency for International Development, and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency?

You get the…

How do terrorist groups control their members? Do the tools groups use to monitor their operatives and enforce discipline create security vulnerabilities that governments can exploit?

Democratization has been a consistent theme of activities at the Mershon Center, whether through events or research. The showcase project in this initiative, long supported by the center, is the…