Maryum Alam

Photo of Maryum Alam

Maryum Alam

Ph.D. Candidate, Political Science

Maryum Alam is political science Ph.D. Candidate (ABD) at The Ohio State University, specializing in international relations and quantitative political methodology. Her research revolves around foreign policy decision-making and its implications for the use of force abroad. Maryum’s dissertation investigates the sources and consequences of leader time horizons on the maintenance of coercive foreign policies, including military interventions and economic sanctions. She relies on experiments and within-case quantitative and qualitative data to build broader narratives about decision-making. Maryum is also a member of the Modeling Emergent Social Order (MESO) Lab at Ohio State, where she is developing a way to measure uncertainty in international conflict onset through structural estimation. In AY 2023-2024, Maryum will be a Hans J. Morgenthau Fellow through the University of Notre Dame. She holds an MA in political science from Indiana University and a BA in Political Science and Biology from Hofstra University.