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The Mershon Center is proud to recognize the recent accomplishments of three of our esteemed affiliates. Firstly, congratulations to Professor David Hoffman for winning a 2023 John Simon…

We are very excited—and proud—to announce that our very own Kendra McSweeney has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences! Kendra’s election to the AAA&S is in recognition of…

YouTube Videos of Mershon/College of Public Health Symposium on Far-Right Extremism are Available. The Symposium was a Success, AND it is Just the Beginning


Congratulations to Professor Theodora Dragostinova on receiving the 2022 Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching. 

Faculty members are nominated by students, faculty, and alumni for…

"The long-term fallout of the Iraq War suggests that the promotion of peace and stability cannot be reduced to discrete military objectives, nor can the…

Tommie Sankange was the first black American public figure permanently residing in Zimbabwe who was not a missionary. Why don’t we know more about her?

Mershon Post Doctoral Scholar Brooks…

Margaret Newell, a distinguished professor in The Ohio State University Department of History, was “delighted” to learn she would be receiving $492,000 from the Mellon Foundation.
