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This is farmland along a river in Bangladesh.

At least, it used to be. 

The stubble on the left is a rice field that used to stretch another 600 meters out into the river.…

Four Mershon affiliates are part of a $300,000 grant from the State Department to create the Serbian Educational Alliance.

The grant,…

Realism as a theoretical perspective has dominated the study of international relations for centuries. From the sophists and Thucydides, to Machiavelli and Hobbes, E. H. Carr and Hans Morgenthau,…

Impeachment is a loaded word. It's also a complicated process, one that most of us probably don't fully understand. 

Did you know, for instance, that a president who is impeached and…

Janet Box-Steffensmeier, Vernal G. Riffe Professor in Government and Politics in the Department of Political Science, has been elected as the next president of the American Political Science…

Inés Valdez, associate professor of political science, recently received the Stanley Hoffman Award by the American Political Science Association's French Politics section for her article "…

Contrary to popular belief, war is not declining, according to a new analysis of the last 200 years of international conflict.

In fact, the belief that war is disappearing has lulled us…

This year the Mershon Center is pleased to restart its postdoctoral fellows program with two new postdocs.

Hye Yun Kang's research investigates the intersection between law and security in…

Mershon affiliate Lesley Ferris, Arts and Humanities Distinguished Professor of Theatre, is the powerhouse behind On the Front Lines: Performing Afghanistan, a new series of performances…