May 1, 2024
Mershon funded Graduate Student projects announced

The Mershon Center is proud to fund new graduate student projects in Anthropology, Geography, History, History of Art, Political Science, Social Work, and Sociology. Congratulations to Paromita Bathija, Jack Fernandes, Ian Gammon, Cruz Guan, Dareen Hussein, Soh Hyeon Kim, Charles Laubach, Christopher Leger, Nicholas Mauro, Additti Munshi, Eva Mushoffa, Victoria Paige, Jared Rabinowitz, Taís Souza Carareto and Jack Wippell on their grants.
New Student Funded Projects for 2024-26
- Bathija, Paromita (Geography) - Caste and Colonial Logics in India's "Conservation-by-Securitization"
- Fernandes, Jack (Political Science) - Deluge of Distrust: Cyclone Management in Malawi
- Gammon, Ian (History) - Distributing Aid During the World Wars: Maurice Pate's Impact on Humanitarianism
- Guan, Wenhao "Cruz" (History) - Printing a New China on Maps: Nation Building, Map Making, and Shanghai's Publishing Industry (1800-1937)
- Hussein, Dareen (History of Art) - "It's Up to Women to Lift the Veil": Arab Women's Cinema and Radical Politics
- Kim, Soh Hyeon (Political Science) - Adapting to Urbanization: Political Party Strategies in Response to Shifting Voters in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Laubach, Charles (History) - Stumbling to Victory: Air Power, Diplomacy, and Politics in the Third Balkan War
- Leger, Christopher (History) - Reiterating Socialist Values in Khrushchev Era, 1953-1964
- Mauro, Nicholas (Anthropology) - Conflict and Cooperation in Managing Alaska Native Sacred Sites
- Munshi, Additti (Social Work) - Navigating the Paradoxes: An Ethnographic Inquiry into the Juvenile Justice Practices in India
- Mushoffa, Eva (Political Science) - Democratic Backsliding and Sub-National Politics in Indonesia
- Paige, Victoria (History) - Mother, Maiden, Martyr: Media Portrayals of Soviet Women in the Second World War
- Rabinowitz, Jared (Political Science) - The Political Atmosphere: A Genealogy of Territorial Sovereignty in the Air
- Souza Carareto, Tais (Political Science) - Disorder, Control, and the Political Use of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Argentina's Dictatorship (1976-1983)
- Wippell, Jack (Sociology) - Narratives, Networks and the Birth of a Scapegoat: Mapping the Spread of Anti-Transgender Conspiracies After the Nashville School Shooting across Alt-Right Social Media