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Weekly Lunch Conversations to return with Mershon Mondays

September 6, 2022

Weekly Lunch Conversations to return with Mershon Mondays

Red apple with a bite taken out of it on a stack of books in front of a cartoon globe. Text to right reads Mershon Mondays.

To celebrate life in person, the Mershon Center is instituting weekly lunch conversations, Monday 12-1:30 in the Mershon conference room, Derby 1039. No preregistration is required and no specific expertise is expected: come and bring your good will with you. We'll have overviews of Mershon projects, discussions of current events, work in progress presentations, and whatever else comes up. We'll be reaching out to current grantees for possible contributions, and please also feel free to share topic ideas with Dorry.  

A light lunch will be served to attendees. The room has doors opening onto the courtyard, and whenever weather permits we'll keep these open to facilitate the flow of air. This is an experiment: we don't know how many people will come or how often, so space and food orders will be in flux and we ask for your forbearance as we adjust our formula. The conference room is also being refitted this autumn, on an uncertain schedule owing to the usual staffing and supply chain issues, so watch the newsletters for possible relocation and please bear with the mess in the meantime. This series will be in person only. 

Here are our initial topics: