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Study shows how nations follow others in ratifying agreements

New research shows just how powerful the United States’ and other countries’ influence can be on persuading other nations to…

For two decades, militant jihadism has been one of the world's most pressing security crises. In civil wars and insurgencies across the Muslim world, certain Islamist groups have taken advantage…

The Mershon Center for International Security Studies invites applications for conferences and speaker series on international security issues for the 2019-2020 academic year.

The Mershon…

Realism is the oldest theory of international relations. On March 1-2, the Mershon Center for International Security Studies will host a conference on "What is Realist Foreign Policy?" organized…

Mershon faculty affiliate Dakota Rudesill, a leading expert on national security law and policy, will receive the 2019 Sidney D. Drell Academic Achievement Award from the Intelligence and National…

President Trump has declared a national emergency to bring about his desired border wall.

Now what?

Mershon affiliate Peter Shane — an internationally recognized scholar…

The Mershon Center for International Security Studies at The Ohio State University invites applications to fill two postdoctoral fellowship positions for the 2019-2020 academic year.

Mershon affiliate Dorothy Noyes, professor of English and Comparative Studies and former director of the Center for Folklore Studies, was awarded an honorary doctorate in folkloristics at the…

Last October, hundreds of veterans, citizens, and their families turned out on a rainy Saturday to celebrate the opening of the National Veterans Memorial and Museum in downtown Columbus…