Research Project Directory


Title Departments Investigators Level Year
How Does Conflict Between Nations Impact Management Decisions? Business Oded Shenkar, Ilgaz Arikan 2011-2012
Insecure Democracy: Risk and Distributional Conflict in Brazil Political Science Sarah Brooks 2011-2012
Late Modernism and the War State English Thomas Davis 2011-2012
Making Nations: The Struggle over National Classifications in the (Post-) Ottoman Balkans History Theodora Dragostinova 2011-2012
Revising ‘The Military Revolution’ History Geoffrey Parker 2011-2012
The Coming Storms: Resilience to Climate Change, Political Stress, and Economic Shock in Eastern Honduras Geography Kendra McSweeney 2011-2012
The Venerable Titan: Fear, Threats, and the Making of American Foreign Policy, 1939-2003 History Robert McMahon, Ralph D. Mershon 2011-2012
Culpable or Satisfied: On the Origins of Time Horizons and Foreign Policy Persistence Political Science Maryum Alam Graduate
Tribal Politics, Corruption, and Water in Jordan Political Science Mohamed Shedeed Graduate