Research Project Directory


Title Departments Investigators Year
Insecure Democracy: Risk and Political Engagement in South Africa Political Science Sarah Brooks 2013-2014
Peace Education and Training Repository International Studies John Carlarne (in memoriam), Esther Gottlieb 2013-2014
The Soviet Domestic Front of the Cultural Cold War, 1957-70 History Gleb Tsipursky 2013-2014
Unlikely Encounters in the Cold War: Bulgaria and the Global Order History Theodora Dragostinova 2013-2014
War Materials: Armies, Civilians, and the Struggle for Resources during the American Civil War History Joan Cashin 2013-2014
American Music, Global Messages: Building Bridges in the Cold War World Music Danielle Fosler-Lussier 2012-2013
An End to War? Political Science Bear Braumoeller 2012-2013
Comparative National Elections Project Communication, Political Science, Sociology Richard Gunther, Paul Beck, William "Chip" Eveland, Erik Nisbet 2012-2013
Insurgency, Violence and Anticolonial Resistance: The 1857 Revolt and Indian Imaginations English Pranav Jani 2012-2013
Kinship in Arab Societies: Changing Configurations, Changing Social Identities Sociology John Casterline, Edouard Conte 2012-2013
Religious Nationalism and American Militarism Political Science Irfan Nooruddin 2012-2013
Revising "The Military Revolution" History Geoffrey Parker, Andreas Dorpalen 2012-2013
Scottish Independence, In-Migration, and Political Belonging: Cultural Transformations in New Europe Comparative Studies Leo Coleman 2012-2013
The "Rule of Law" Paradigm and Justice Sector Reform in Post-Conflict Nations: The United Nations Rule of Law Indicators Sociology Heather Schoenfeld 2012-2013
The Gun and the Rosary: The Peaceful Jihad of Sheikh Boubacar Sawadogo and French colonialism in Burkina Faso, 1920-46 History Ousman Kobo 2012-2013
The Legacy of the Korean War History Mitchell Lerner 2012-2013
The SHAFR Review History Mitchell Lerner, Peter Hahn 2012-2013
The Soviet Domestic Front of the Cultural Cold War, 1957-70 History Gleb Tsipursky 2012-2013
The Transnational Origins of the Russian Oil Industry: The Rothschilds, BNITO and Baku Naphtha History Jennifer Siegel 2012-2013
Trafficking, Ethnicity and Religion: Prevention Campaigns and Minorities in the Balkans Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures Yana Hashamova 2012-2013
Who We Are: Global Museums and National Identities English Elizabeth Weiser 2012-2013
Comparative National Elections Project Political Science Richard Gunther 2006-2007
Dissent/Repression Nexus in the Middle East Sociology J. Craig Jenkins, Katherine Meyer 2006-2007
Issues in Multi-Dimensional Legislative Bargaining: Collective vs. Particularistic Goods Economics John Kagel 2006-2007
Living Jerusalem: Cultures and Communities in Contention Melton Center for Jewish Studies Amy Horowitz, Tamar Rudavsky 2006-2007