Managing Disaster Rick: Launching Micro Insurance in Bangladesh
Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences, Sociology |
C.K. Shum, J. Craig Jenkins, Joyce Chen
2017-2018 |
Property Rights, Conflict, and Development
Political Science |
Marcus Kurtz
2017-2018 |
Quantum Social Science & International Security Studies Workshop
Political Science |
Alexander Wendt
2017-2018 |
Research on Human Rights
Folklore |
Amy Shuman
2017-2018 |
Sweet Fuel: The Public-Private Development of Brazil's Ethanol Industry in Ribeirao, Sao Paulo
History |
Jennifer Eaglin
2017-2018 |
The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election: Tumult at Home, Retreat Abroad?
Political Science |
Thomas Wood
2017-2018 |
The Impact of Nationalism on Cross-Boarder Corporate Governance
Business |
Oded Shenkar
2017-2018 |
The Microfoundations of War Intensity
Political Science |
Bear Braumoeller
2017-2018 |
Alternative Cosmopolitanisms: Lessons from Cold War Black-Anti-Colonial Transnationalism
Political Science |
Inés Valdez
2016-2017 |
Comparative National Elections Project
Communication, Political Science |
Paul Beck, Richard Gunther, R. William Liddle, William "Chip" Eveland, Erik Nisbet
2016-2017 |
Demiurgic Politics: Practical Reason in Political Decision Making
Philosophy |
Allan Silverman
2016-2017 |
Diplomacy of the First World War
History |
Jennifer Siegel
2016-2017 |
Disaster Refugees and Flood Early Warning in Bangladesh
AEDE, Earth Sciences, Sociology |
J. Craig Jenkins, C.K. Shum, Joyce Chen
2016-2017 |
Forbidden Zones: The Great War
History, Theatre |
Lesley Ferris, Bruno Cabanes
2016-2017 |
Markets, Conflict, and Law: A Study of Multinational Supermarkets in Indian Food Supply Chains
Law |
Amy Cohen
2016-2017 |
Moving Towards a Middle Ground: The Psychological Effect of Motion on Conflict Resolution
Psychology |
Lisa Libby, Micah Goldfarb
2016-2017 |
Political Communication Patterns in the 2016 Russian Parliamentary Campaign
Communication |
Erik Nisbet, Olga Kamenchuk
2016-2017 |
Politicizing Ethnicity: Mechanisms of Ethnic Violence in Malawi
Political Science |
Amanda Robinson
2016-2017 |
Research on Human Rights
English |
Amy Shuman, Wendy Hesford
2016-2017 |
Rethinking the Prediction of Rare Events
Sociology |
Eric Schoon, David Melamed
2016-2017 |
Shocks to Team Structure: Mobilizations, Group Dynamics, Identity, and Adaptation
Political Science |
Skyler Cranmer
2016-2017 |
State Responses to Contention and New Waves of Protest
Sociology |
Kazimierz Slomczynski, J. Craig Jenkins
2016-2017 |
The Ohio State University National Security Simulation
Law |
Dakota Rudesill
2016-2017 |
War, Media, and the Public
Political Science |
Christopher Gelpi
2016-2017 |
World War I Centennial Conference
History |
Peter Mansoor
2016-2017 |